The Dalai Lama - our precious Teacher and Object of Refuge.


Dearest Friends @ CAS,

We received, wth deep concerns, news of the Dalai Lama's cancellation of scheduled programmes and travels for the
coming 3 weeks.
His Holiness's presence is pivotal to continued flourishing of the Dharma and the well-being of all mother beings. This, the
greatest luminaries of Tibet including the late Drubwang Rinpoche, the late Kenpo Jigme Phuntsok, the late Dilgo Khyentse
amongst other such spiritual giants, could not have been clearer. 
"And yet, in the midst of this terrible situation, ( of the Tibetan diaspora ), there is at least one good thing: His Holiness
the Dalai Lama.
Outwardly, he is like an iron fence and inwardly like a precious treasure. He is our refuge in this and future lives, the guide of
gods and men..... it is thanks to His Holiness that an amazing development has taken place, both for the Dharma and in
the political situation of us Tibetans. You all know this - you don't need me to tell you. It has all happened thanks to
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and to Him alone.
We should be endlessly grateful to Him and pray for His long life. This is vital.
...... There is not one person among us who has not received teachings and empowerments from His Holiness. Since we are
now linked with Him in the Dharma, we must observe the samaya..... we must act according to His Holiness's wishes.....
keep this in mind all of you.
I beg you to strive to make His Holiness's wishes come true !!
This is my advice to you, the advice of an old man. It is indeed my testament."
( "Counsels from My Heart", Shambhala Publications. 
Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, the late Supreme Head of the Nyingma Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism )
When the qualified Teacher manifests sickness, it is the disciples' most precious opportunity to create the greatest merits,
to purify the drakest obscurations and to leave the deepest positive imprints in their minds.
As all our Friends @ CAS belong to His Holiness and have come under His Holiness' protection and kindess for aeons
immemorial, just as all our precious Gurus, the living masters of all of Tibet's sacred lineages are now ceaselessly praying, we
should similarly offer our every sincerest prayers and aspirations for the continued holy presence of His Holiness and the ever
flourishing of His holy activities.
bb & all Friends    @ CAS belonging to holy Chenrezig  

The Update/s


Press Release

Published: Friday, 29 August, 2008

His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Join Prayers on 30 August 2008. 

Since arriving in Mumbai yesterday afternoon, His Holiness the Dalai Lama underwent some medical tests. 

The doctors attending on him have given assurances that there is absolutely no cause for concern. 

All that he needs is a good rest. 

His Holiness will therefore join from Mumbai in the 12-hour fasting and prayers for peace and freedom

that are being organized in Dharamsala and elsewhere on Saturday, 30 August 2008 by the Tibetan

Solidarity Committee. 

Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Enlightened One - Borobudur, Indonesia
"The Sure-Steps to Enlightenment."
( Meditation on the Lam Rim - rough, authentic notes. )


Death & Impermanence

[ Note:

In relation to the first Lam Rim Topic which we should have gained some confidence and firmness of experience, it will

carry deeper blessings, maturity and impressions to begin each sub-topic: A, B C and so on with "Our perfect Teacher

teaches that ....." ] 




"Our perfect Teacher teaches that ....."

We will inevitably die. NO one is spared death. This precious human body, perfect for practice of the holy Dharma for

greatest good of all, will inevitably face death. 

 ( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you

can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind !! )




"Our perfect Teacher teaches that ....."

Death is random. Our precious human body, perfect for practice of the holy Dharma for greatest good of all, can die

anytime, anywhere. Anything that lives can die anytime, anywhere.

 ( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you

can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind !! )



Only the Dharma

"Our perfect Teacher teaches that ....."

When death inevitably strikes, anytime, anywhere, only our accumulated Dharma practices, the Gurus, the Buddhas,

the Dharma and the Sangha can help. If even this very body of ours needs to be forsaken at death, absolutely nothing

else will matter or help then.

( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you

can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind !! )


[ Here ends the main points dealing with the Third Topic of the Lam Rim teachings. Firmly do it till it

becomes your mind. ] 


"Support Dharma Propagation Fund ( DPF ) - Product Highlight".


From The Tibetan Medical College:

Tibetan Herbal Tea - For Hypertension: High Blood Pressure ( "Sorig-Trakshey Tea" )


Sorig Trak-shey Tea is a pure herbal product made according to the Tibetan Science of Healing. This herbal tea enhances

a healthy circulation and induces sound sleep. It minimizes upper back pain, headache in combination with blurred vision

and paniful nape causing movement difficulty. It also helps the symptoms like sweating accompanied with appearances

of goosebumps in response to coldness, uncomfortable breathing associated with dyspnea and stiffened upper back,

dryness of mouth and thirstiness and numbness of the limbs.    


We could try to post them to you ( will include postage costs to reimburse Dharma Propagation Fund - DPF ) or you could

come down to Camden Education Center to collect.


Do confirm first so we can transfer them from Ganden Trisur's place in Singapore to the education centre before you come.


We only have about 15  each to go.

Suggested offering:

( Friends @ CASonline - S$14/- excluding postage ) 

( Not a Friend @ CASonline - S$18/- excluding postage )


All contributions will go into CAS's life-saving DPF !!

Quote/s from the Buddha's holy scripture
Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of Lord Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha
Chapter 9: The Recitation of the Buddhas' Names

At that time, Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Ksitigarbha addressed the Buddha, saying, " O World Honored One, now I wish to speak on behalf of the sentient beings of future times and about the beneficial things that will help them gain great advantage in birth and death. I only hope that you, O World Honored One, will allow me to speak on this subject."

The Buddha answered Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, saying, "You wish, at this very moment, to be merciful and compassionate in order to deliver all the sinful, miserable beings on the six paths of existence and to speak about the inconceivable thing. Yes! Now is exactly the right time to do so. You should speak at once. Soon I shall enter Nirvana, and if you fulfill this wish of yours early, I shall then have no more worry about any of the sentient beings of the present or of future times."

Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha addressed the Buddha, saying, "O World Honored One, incalculable asankhyeya kalpas ago there was a Buddha by the name of Anantakaya. Any man or woman who hears the name of this Buddha and instantly performs obeisance to him will be exonerated from serious sins of life and death covering forty kalpas. But how much better even will it be for one who would mold or paint his image to worship and praise him! Countless and boundless will be the bliss gained by this person.

"Again in the past, as many kalpas ago as there are grains of sand in the Ganges River, a Buddha came into the world bearing the title of Ratnasuabhava Tathagata. Any man or woman who hears the name of this Buddha and makes up his mind, as quickly as it takes to snap one's fingers, to take refuge in him will never suffer retrogression from the stage of Unsurpassed Enlightenment.

"Again in the past, a Buddha came to this world by the name of Padmajina Tathagata. Any man or woman who hears this Buddha's name once will be reborn repeatedly one thousand times in the six heavens of desire. But how much better even would it be for one who wholeheartedly recites the name and keeps the name in mind!

"Again in the past, some inexpressible, inexpressible asankhyeya kalpas ago, a Buddha was born in the world by the name of Simhananda Tathagata. Any man or woman, hearing this Buddha's name and wholeheartedly taking refuge in him, will be able to encounter incalculable numbers of Buddhas, who will touch his head and bestow upon him the superlative predestination.

"Again in the past, there appeared in the world a Buddha bearing the title of Krakucchandsa Buddha. Any man or woman who, upon hearing this Buddha's name, also wholeheartedly worships him or praises him will become a great Brahman king in the Thousand Buddhas' Assembly and gain the superlative predestination.

"Again in the past, there appeared in the world a Buddha bearing the title of Vipasyin Buddha. Any man or woman, hearing this Buddha's name, will never fall onto evil paths of existence but will always be reborn as a human being or a deva and enjoy extraordinarily wonderful happiness.

"Again in the past, immeasurable, incalculable kalpas ago, as many as the grains of sand in the Ganges River, there appeared in the world a Buddha bearing the title of Ratnasambhava Tathagata. Any man or woman, hearing this Buddha's name and showing respect to him, will soon attain the stage of an Arhat.

"Again in the past, immeasurable asankhyeya kalpas ago, there appeared in the world a Buddha bearing the title of Kasayadhvaja Tathagata. Any man or woman, hearing this Buddha's name, will be exonerated from all the sins he or she ever committed during his or her rebirths and deaths in one hundred great kalpas.

"Again in the past, there appeared in the world a Buddha bearing the title of Mahabhijna-Sumeru Tathagata. Any man or woman, hearing this Buddha's name, will encounter Buddhas, as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges River, preaching extensively to him or her, and will definitely attain Bodhi.

"Again in the past, there appeared many other indescribable Buddhas such as Sudhacandra Buddha, Sumeru Buddha, Jnanajina Buddha, Vimalanamanraja Buddha, Jnanasaddhi Buddha, Anuttara Buddha, Sughosa Buddha, Full-Moon Buddha and Moon-Faced Buddha.

"O World Honored One, all the sentient beings of the present and future generations-whether devas or human beings, whether males or females-will gain immeasurable meritorious virtue even if they invoke the name of only one Buddha. But how much better even will it be to invoke many names! These beings will automatically gain great benefit while living and while dead, and they will not ever fall onto the evil paths of existence.

"When someone is approaching the end of his life, if any of his relatives or even only one person should, on his behalf, invoke aloud the name of just one Buddha, such a dying person will be exonerated from all karmic retribution for his sins other than the unpardonable offenses.

"The five unpardonable offenses are those sins of the utmost, seriousness, and usually a person committing such offenses cannot be acquitted of them even after millions of kalpas. However, if at the time of his death, others invoke, on his behalf, Buddhas' names, then even some of these extremely serious offenses will gradually be reduced and eradicated. But how much better even would it be for the dying one to invoke the Buddhas' names himself in order to gain immeasurable bliss and to eradicate innumerable sins!"

[ Download of the entire Sutra of the Fundamental Vows of Lord Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha is available in ]


FOR Friends of CAS

( May the Dharma flourish far and wide, bringing peace and liberation to all mother beings wherever they are !! )




Are you interested to volunteer in saving the turtles program in Malaysia? Below is the website you could

register and participate in their conservation activities.




Dear friends, 

We are organising "Vajra Guru Thungyur" i.e invocation of Vajra Guru Mantra for 120 Million times during October 2008 at 135 ft tall statue of the
Guru at Samdruptse Hills, Namchi in South Sikkim, India.
Pl see attached photo of Guru Padmasambhava's 135 ft tall statue at Samdruptse Hills in Namchi, Sikkim, India
For details please visit
We hope, you'll love to join us.
Organising committee




Be part of our thousand++ "Friends @ CAS"  ( that belongs to Chenrezig & other holy beings ) 


"I wanna number my days in samsara. sUBSCRIBE mE NOW !!"



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 CASonline - Your Buddhist online news and teachings.

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