Date: 6/26/2009 2:13:25 AM
Subject: [CASonline] I: The Third Perfection & taming the Evil One |
Dearest Friends @ CAS, We are awfully glad to be back ( sorry !! ) after so long. We need to miss Most Venerable Drikung Ontrul Rinpoche this time to HH the Drikung Kyabgon Chestang in Lhadakh for June 2009. But, then, we couldn't possibly say no !! Ontrul Rinpoche should come in Dec 2009, but, please, your merit and dedications must hold up !! Do give your utmost support, too, to these EXTREMELY beneficial projects, requiring your every possible support. In this Dark Age and given our current ( sad ) state of affairs ( the world and probably our lives !! ), what better things could we do but to offer our financial exertions for the Dharma and for the most fortunate amongst us who still held the Dharma intact ?? You see, our Dharma programmes are inevitably "free", many of our texts offered are based upon voluntary donations, our beings @ CAS are 100% "free" volunteers andeven this Buddhist newsletter you are reading is, well, "free" !! So, when there are great projects, you should rightfully chip in !! Then, we are sharing with all, a ( tongue-in-cheek ?? ) presentation of the core message of Chrsitianity, courtesy of a friend @ CAS. We are sure a parallel video would or could be cute for Buddhism. Oh, please, sombody save us from ourselves !! "Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung !!" Listen to Most Venerable Kyabje Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok and the magnificent image of the great Guru Padmasambhava: http://www.casotac. bb & snarling paws @ CAS ____________ What's in store ?? 1 Excellence: - The sacred biography of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet - Lord Master: Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse
1.5 Teachers' blessings - CAS's precious Teacher: Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche in Moscow - Blessed Mahamudra & Drepung
3 Quote/s from the Buddha's holy scripture: Special Issue: Taming Mara, the Evil One.
4 The Sure-Steps to Enlightenment: Application Bodhicitta ( The Third Perfection - Patience )
5 Support Dharma Propagation Fund ( DPF ) - Special Projects:
- Counters for monks' prostrations in Bodhigaya - Torch lights without batteries for retreat monks in the high mountains - Dharma "tools" - BLessed lamps of light and goodness - Supporting a precious sangha in Nepal - Sharing in the merit: Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche
6 You got to know this !! - Conversations with Yahweh ( or God ) - Vegetarian Issues - CAS's Monthly Prayer Session - Camden Education Center needs Tutors !!
7 For Friends of CAS:
His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches students from South-east Asia ____________ Excellence I The sacred biography of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet: II Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche had a vast number of teachers.. In Amdo there was a huge monastery belonging to the Geluk tradition where Dilgo Khyentse was invited by a most learned and accomplished master named Lobsang Dorje. Khyentse Rinpoche offered him the empowerments for the Three Roots and received in return the empowerments and explanations of the Guhyasamaja, Yamantaka and Chakrasamvara tantras, as well as the reading transmissions of many other tantras. Dilgo Khyentse regarded Lobsang Dorje as the most important of his root gurus in the Geluk tradition .. All the great masters of the four schools received transmissions from Khyentse
Rinpoche, such as Sakya Gongma, the Sixteenth Karmapa, Penor Rinpoche, the
Drikung Kyabgon, Khamtrul Rinpoche. and so forth. He also became one of
the gurus of the highest lama in
When I ( Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Himself ) went to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama again, I asked for a long-life empowermentÂ. After the mandala offering, they sat me between the Dalai Lama's tutors, Ling Rinpoche and Trichang Rinpoche. Ling Rinpoche thanked me for giving such a good speech, and Trichang Rinpoche joked, "Well, the Nyingmapas really made some speech didn't they!" Joking, I said, "Did the Nyingmapas make a lion roar to the learned ones from Ganden ( ie the Geluk tradition ) ?" "Yes, very good," he said. When they were together, Trichang Rinpoche used to make jokes, and Ling Rinpoche used to laugh a lot... At that time, I had a very small place, so he said I could stay at his house. We both had a good laugh when I replied that I didn't dare to stay in his house as I was afraid that Shukten would hit me.
Autobiogrphy of Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; Orgyen Tobgyal; Tsikey Chokling - "Brilliant Moon" ( Shambala Publications )
____________ 1.5 Teachers' Blessings I The old beings' @ CAS will never forget our precious Teacher, the late Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche: President Emeritus of the Nepalese Buddhist Association, the uncle to the Queens of Bhutan, the Master unifying all the diverse tribes in Nepal, the protector of the Dharma in Nepal, a pioneer of the Dharma in the West and the Master whom the late 100th Ganden Trisur Rinpoche told us point-blank, "my true spiritual friend". Both bodhisattvas blessed Mongolia together. The 100th Ganden Trisur Rinpoche taught in Tsechu Rinpoche's monastery in Nepal. Now, we rejoice that you can all see most precious, honourable Tsechu Rinpoche: II The Principal of Kagyu College, Khenpo Rangdrol, has agreed to visit Singapore in July for very important elaborations on the pivotal teachings of the Five Fold Mahamudra as well as the critical teachings of the Kadampa Mind-Training. For details, see www.casotac. Two fortunate beings @ CAS were yesterday ( 24 June ) with the great Drepung Loseling retired Abbot, Khensur Lobsang Gyamtso, and the Teacher of Kyabje Ling Rinpoche ( HH the Dalai Lama's reincarnated Root Teacher ), Geshe Wangchen in the "hidden land" of Karnataka, India. Offerings were given to create cause for blessings to all friends @ CAS to progress best on Dharmic path. ____________
3 Quote/s from the Buddha's holy scripture A special issue about Mara the Evil One battling Upagupta, a great disciple of Lord Buddha. See the double issue ( Part II ) of CASonline. ____________ 4 "The Sure-Steps to Enlightenment. ( Meditation on the Lam Rim - rough, authentic notes. )
TOPIC EIGHT APPLICATION BODHICITTA ( Part Three ) ( Perfection of Patience )
ONE "Individual" To attain Buddhahood is the best way to benefit all mother beings. So I am patient in the face of harm in specific context/s and / or from respective being/s to accumulate Merit for attainment of Buddhahood. [ Patient to scary colleagues / in work etc ] ( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind !! )
TWO "Samsaric-General" To attain Buddhahood is the best way to benefit all mother beings. So I am patient towards samsaric difficulties to accumulate Merit for attainment of Buddhahood. [ Patient towards sicknesses / dying / bad weather / making-a-living etc ] ( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind !! )
THREE "Dharma" To attain Buddhahood is the best way to benefit all mother beings. So I am patient towards every difficulty that arises in the practicing of Dharma to accumulate Merit for attainment of Buddhahood. [ Patient in listening to teachings / prostrations etc ] ( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind !! )
[ Here ends the main points dealing with the Eighth Topic ( Part Three ) of all Lam Rim traditions. Carry them out wherever possible. ] ____________ 5 "Support Dharma Propagation Fund ( DPF ) - Special Projects"
This issue, CAS offers our friends, precious opportunities in the accumulation of inconceivable merit. CAS's projects are many and most are wildly beneficial for the Dharma and mother beings. To continue, we need our friends' support and it simply will not do to allocate the merit-making to just a few wealthy sponsors !! It is also a shame to reach out for a piece of our sponsors all the time whilst most of our friends knew about the items too late. So, do scan through the below and join in the precious merit-accumulation. Be sure to rejoice ( even if you're not able to partake this round ) and to dedicate for the Dharma and for beings. - Counters for monks' prostrations in Bodhigaya: S$170/- [ CAS's DPF offered about S$4/- per electronic counter per monk for his accumulation of a hundred thousand prostrations at Bodhigaya ] - Torch lights without batteries for retreat monks in the high mountains: S$40/- - Dharma "tools": new stronger transmitter for simultaneous translation S$50/-; new clearer radio sets for simultaneous translation S$75/-; new batteries for the radios: S$12.60/- - Offering of lamps: S$245/- - Supporting a precious Singapore Sangha in Nepal, studying and practising close to Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche: S$1,200/- [ one hundred sing dollars a month ] - Sharing in the merit of offering to Kyabje Trulshig Rinpoche: S$100/- ____________ 6 You Got To Know This !! I Conversations with Yahweh ( or "God" ). [ Thanks Mao !! ] II Vegetarians Issues Don't let innocent creatures die for our stomach. You also can keep your Gurus long in the world, you can live a blameless, joyful existence. Our Teacher, the 100th Ganden Trisur has signed ( into law - ha ha !! ) that all major Gelugpa monasteries shall no longer serve meat and the 17th Karmapa has cleanly sliced meat off any menus of every Karma Kagyu centres and monasteries in the world !! A strong way - over the long term - to saving all our mother beings will be to educate, share and tell. So, please, HELP !! See: http://www.casotac. III Monthly Prayer Session with CAS CAS
should hopefully be serious this time about starting a monthly prayer
meeting session. It will be on every last Saturday of the month, 7 to 8:30 pm. Venue: Camden Education Center. ( For address, see Prayers could be the Green Tara Puja / Jamgon Kongtrul's Water Torma Offering / Namdak Lingpa's Guru Rinpoche Practice / Lam Rim Reviews / Je Tzongkhapa's Guru Yoga and-or other Dharma practices. Actually, we have been horrible not to have been doing this consistently though so many of our Teachers have told us to please hold monthly group prayer sessions like this. So, please, help to dedicate that we can do it this time !! Any enquiries can be sms-ed to 92708080 or 98569721. IV Camden Education Center needs Tutors !! Camden Education Center is still looking for aspiring tutors for all levels and all subjects. Several friends have responded but finding common timings seems impossible !! Please see: http://www.casotac. ____________ 7 - For Friends of CAS To share in the inconceivable merit: http://www.casotac. An apology:
bb @ CAS sincerely apologises for missing not quite a few monumental and pure Dharma programmes due to delays in issuings of CASonline. He, nevertheless, ( and is sure every of his friends @ CAS !! ) send their complete dedication for nothing but complete success of the programmes !!
HH the Dalai Lama's teaching to SE Asian students: www.tibetanbc.
II Dear BB La In celebration of the 74th Birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tibetan Buddhist Centre (Singapore) will be hosting a birthday celebration for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. We wish to invite members from all walks of life to celebrate his legacy, promote his message of peace, compassion and loving-kindness. As it is a non-denominational gathering, both practitioners and non-practitioners of the Buddhist faith are welcome. DATE: 28th June 2009 (Sunday) LOCATION: > Tai-Pei Buddhist Centre > No.2 Lavender Street, Level 4, Singapore 338823 TIME: 10:30am - 2:00pm
For RSVP, please contact our Centre Manager - Jinpa +65 9108 9031 /
Visit our website: www.tibetanbc. Regards, Tibetan Buddhist Centre _________ tELL A fRIEND "KNOW DHARMA; SHARE DHARMA !!" Be part of our thousand++ "Friends @ CAS" ( that belongs to Chenrezig & other holy beings ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "I wanna number my days in samsara. sUBSCRIBE mE NOW !!" Email contact@casotac. ____________ See www.casotac. CASonline - Your Buddhist online news and teachings. ( All online articles lovingly archived at http://www.casotac. | |||