Date: 10/25/2008 4:14:42 PM
Subject: [CASonline] Precious Lam Rim: the first 2 Scopes |
![]() Dearest
Friends @ CAS,
The Lam Rim teachings
span every Buddhist traditions: Sri Lankan, Japanese, Chinese,
Tibetan, to name a few.
Lord Buddha turned
the holy Wheel of Dharma in the Deer Park and His spiritual sons
throughout the milleniums have guised them in formats and forms
of best benefit to the evolving social conditions and propensities
of beings.
In the Tibetan
traditions, the Nyingma Lineage holds "Words of My Perfect Teacher",
the Gelug Lineage expounds Je Tzongkhapa's "Graduated Pah to Enlightenment"
Here we offer,
collated from the holy instructions of CAS's perfect Teachers,
"Rough, Authentic Notes" for your practice, your sincere,
diligent, persistent exertions and efforts towards supreme,
perfect, complete Enlightenment.
We hence complete
the fundamental tenets of the holy Dharma, the First and Second
Scopes of the Lam Rim teachings, as attached below:
First Scope - Maintaining
a Higher Rebirth
Second Scope - Renunciation
( Self Liberation )
In the next issue,
we shall be entering into the Mahayana path, the Third Scope of
the Lam Rim.
With our every
prayer that CASonline will be of the highest possible
good to our friends.
Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa !!"
bb & every
Sure-Steps to Enlightenment.
( Meditation
on the Lam Rim - rough, authentic notes. )
Centrality of the Spiritual Friend: the Guru **
Topic One is mainly relevant to students practising in the
Vajrayana tradition )
We need
a qualified Teacher because He or She has walked the path
and has realised its Truth. He or she has the compassion and
skills to lead us to the same state: freedom from suffering,
the best position to help all others. Without someone exprienced,
we cannot practise properly.
While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of
your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you
can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been
internalised in your mind !! )
need to look for a truly qualified Teacher:
A qualified
Teacher teaches in-line with the Buddha's teachings.
( Je Tsongkhapa's point )
He or
she must "walk the talk" ( The late Khensur Dorje Tashi
emphasises this point !! )
He or
she may have good reference from other established Teachers.
( this point from worldly common sense )
While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra
of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or
you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly
been internalised in your mind !! )
If we
rely on the Teacher, every possible good will come: worldly
protection, aims and sublime spiritual fruits all ripen !!
If we
do not rely on the Teacher, we will be lost and sufferings
will come !!
While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra
of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or
you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly
been internalised in your mind !! )
qualified Teacher is / should be a Buddha because
he or she already possesses the pure Buddha Nature. So you
pray and rely on their "Buddha Nature" is equivalent to
relying on an actual Buddha.
While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra
of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others.
Or you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has
firmly been internalised in your mind !! )
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all committed to liberate all
beings from suffering. Since there are still suffering
beings, the buddhas and bodhisattvas all are still here.
The best way for them to help will be to manifest as a
human master, the form of a qualified
Teacher. The qualified Teacher is surely the Buddha
come back !!
While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra
of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others.
Or you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has
firmly been internalised in your mind !! )
All the holy scriptures talk of how
the Buddhas shall return as qualified Teachers. Even
if they are not fully enlightened, Manjushri promises
to bless and guide on the Teacher's behalf so long as
disciples have faith. So, no matter what, i must see
the qualified Teacher as a Buddha !!
While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra
of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others.
Or you can do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind !! )
Here ends the main points dealing with the First Topic
of all Lam Rim traditions. Firmly do it till it becomes
your mind. ]
Perfect Human Rebirth
Note: In relation to the first Lam Rim Topic which
we should have gained some confidence and firmness
of experience, it will carry deeper blessings, maturity and
impressions to begin each sub-topic: A, B C
and so on with "Our perfect Teacher teaches that
....." ]
perfect Teacher teaches that ....."
need horrifically precious causes to obtain a human
body, especially a human body which has had contact
with the Buddha's teachings, senses complete and
all. Now that we have obtained it, we should never
waste it ( we have afterall sacrificed much
in past lives to have obtained it !! ) in
pursuit of trivial worldly matters but instead use
it only or mainly for practice of Dharma** which
leads to liberation for oneself and others.
While contemplating the above, do 108 times
mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka
or others. Or you can do the mantras until you feel
the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! )
perfect Teacher teaches that ....."
are uncountable number of beings in the hells and
other Lower Realms. Human-body-rebirth is like the
dust on one's finger tip while beings from
all other realms are like dust below one's feet.
Since, numerically, our human body is so precious,
we 100% MUST use it FULLEST not in pursuit
of trivial worldly matters but instead use it only
or mainly for practice of Dharma** which
leads to liberation for oneself and others.
While contemplating the above, do 108 times
mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka
or others. Or you can do the mantras until you feel
the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! )
perfect Teacher teaches that ....."
we use this human body of ours to practise Dharma,
inconceivable Buddhahood with its inconceivable
qualities will be won. This will be of highest good
to oneself and the world. ( Sutra's viewpoint )
human body is already itself, upon proper understanding
and recognition with an authentic Teacher's
instructions, the divine Pure Land and Yidam/s -
the very actual nature of Buddhahood. We should
cherish this human body and stay in this recognition
for good of all. ( Tantra's viewpoint )
While contemplating the above, do 108 times
mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka
or others. Or you can do the mantras until you feel
the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! )
Here ends the main points dealing with the Second
Topic of the Lam Rim teachings. Firmly do
it till it becomes your mind. ]
& Impermanence [
Note: In relation to the first Lam Rim
Topic which we should have gained some
confidence and firmness of experience,
it will carry deeper blessings, maturity and
impressions to begin each sub-topic:
A, B C and so on with "Our perfect Teacher
teaches that ....." ] A Inevitable
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." We will inevitably die. NO one is spared death. This precious human body, perfect for practice of the holy Dharma for greatest
good of all, will inevitably face death.
( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) B Random "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." Death is random. Our precious human body, perfect for practice of the holy Dharma for greatest good of all, can die anytime,
anywhere. Anything that lives can die
anytime, anywhere. ( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) C Only
the Dharma "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." When death inevitably strikes, anytime, anywhere, only our accumulated Dharma practices, the Gurus, the Buddhas, the Dharma and the Sangha can help. If even this very body of ours needs to be forsaken at death, absolutely nothing else
will matter or help then. ( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) [ Here ends the main points dealing with the Third Topic of the Lam Rim teachings. Firmly do it till it becomes your mind. ] ____________ TOPIC FOUR Refuge [
Note: A The
Precious Guru (
This sub-topic A is relevant mainly to
only students of the Vajrayana tradition
) "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
precious Teacher embodies the Buddhas,
the Dharma and the Sangha. The
qualified Teachers' holy mind rests in
perfect Compassion and Wisdom non-dual:
this is the Buddha. The
qualified Teachers' holy speech speaks
only the Dharma and every word liberates
countless beings from samsara: this is
the Dharma. The
qualified Teachers' holy Body is the perfect
form of the ordained Sangha ( or lay-bodhisattva
for some Teachers ). We
take complete refuge out of fear ( of
all sufferings in samsara ), faith ( in
its perfect qualities ) and compassion
( so we can liberate all mother beings
by attaining the state of Buddhahood ).
details in "Relying on the Spiritual Teacher",
see: http://www.casotac. (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) B The
Buddhas "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
Buddhas are the perfect doctors for our
sicknesses of defilements which bind us
to sufferings in samsara. The
Buddhas have perfected complete love,
compassion, wisdom, abilities and qualities.
Buddhas' holy minds have perfect love,
compassion and wisdom towards all beings. The
Buddhas' holy speech possess inconceivable
blessings and qualities and liberate countless
beings from suffering. The
Buddhas' holy body is perfect, the paragon
of inconceivable majesty and resplendence.
It is the culmination of accumulations
of merits and wisdom of countless aeons.
We take complete refuge out of fear ( of all sufferings in samsara ), faith ( in its perfect qualities ) and compassion ( so we can liberate all mother beings by attaining the state of Buddhahood ). C The
Dharma "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
Dharma are the perfect medicine for our
sicknesses of defilements which bind us
to sufferings in samsara. The
Dharma is the authentic, perfect path
to liberation from all sufferings. We take complete refuge out of fear ( of all sufferings in samsara ), faith ( in its perfect qualities ) and compassion ( so we can liberate all mother beings by attaining the state of Buddhahood ). (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) D The
Sangha "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
Sangha are the perfect companions on our
treatments to sicknesses of defilements
which bind us to sufferings in samsara. The
authentic Sangha are the genuine disciples
of the Buddhas. They provide support,
guidance and assistance in every possible
ways. We
take complete refuge out of fear ( of
all sufferings in samsara ), faith ( in
its perfect qualities ) and compassion
( so we can liberate all mother beings
by attaining the state of Buddhahood ). (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) [ Here ends the main points dealing with the Fourth Topic of the Lam Rim teachings. Firmly do it till it becomes your mind. ] Karma Note: [
In relation to the first Lam Rim Topic
which we should have gained some confidence
and firmness of experience, it will carry
deeper blessings, maturity and impressions to
begin each sub-topic: A, B C and so on
with "Our perfect Teacher teaches that
....." ] (
Every Lam Rim topics are sequential progresses.
One: Topic Four is a sequential follow-up
to Death & Impermanence since when
Death strikes, only Dharma will help.
And the gateway to Dharma, is Refuge.
To take Refuge, we need to know the qualities
of the Guru, Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha
Two: Topic Five is a partial growing forth
from Topic Four since when Death strikes,
only karma follows. Therefore, it is critical
that we know what actions to adopt and
abandon to squash problems whilst acquire
bliss. ) A Karma
is Definite The
Spiritual Friend/s or Teacher/s "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." Everything
action is a causal seed that inevitably
results in happiness or suffering. Good
begets happiness. Bad begets suffering.
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) B Karma
is determined by Motivation "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." Results
of action/s are affected by Motivation.
Good Motivation begets happiness. Bad
Motivation begets suffering.
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) C Karma
is affected by the Object "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
Object/s towards which we direct our actions
determine the "scale" and "depth" of Karmic
results. Karmic actions related to the
Gurus, Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha will
yield "strong" results. (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) D Karma
is affected by the " Length of Time?
" "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
longer the length of time lapses before
Karma ripens, the "stronger" will be the
results (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) E What
to adopt "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." Happiness
results from the below: (
3 of Mind ) -
Wisdom -
Love and Kindness -
"Un-Attachment" [ as opposed
to Greed and Grasping ] (
4 of Speech ) -
Truthful speech -
Uplifting-Kind speech -
Speech that reconciles,
not separate -
Meaningful speech (
3 of Bodily-actions ) -
To give-protect life -
To practise generosity -
To be morally-prudent in
relationship- (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) F What
to avoid "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." Sufferings
results from the below: (
3 of Mind ) -
Ignorance -
Hatred-Anger -
Greed-Attachment (
4 of Speech ) -
Untruthful speech -
Harsh-hurtful speech -
Speech separates relationships- -
Meaningless speech (
3 of Bodily-actions ) -
To kill-take life -
To steal -
To be improper in relationship- (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) G Two
of some of the most effective karma-purifying
strategies "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." These
are two of some of the most effective
methods of purifying negative karmas.
Even the "Five Heinous Karmas" are totally
purified with these "Four Powers" conjoined
with the two strategies. ONE Prostrations to the 35 Confession Buddhas TWO Vajrasattva
Practice with the "Four Powers" Do
the Vajrasattva 100 Syllable Mantra or
Vajrasattva Short Mantra OR
any mantras, sutras while relying on the
respective authentic practice-text/ (
These 2 texts are avialable via requests
@ contact@casotac. "First
Power" Regret: Knowing that the negative action/s will yield suffering and pain. "Second
Power" Never to re-commit the negative action/s. "Third
Power" Do
the "opposite" of the negative action/s.
Eg: Now I give and protect lives instead
of killing. "Fourth
Power" Relying on Vajrasattva, the 35 Confession Buddhas or any holy practices. (
While contemplating the above, adopt
and practice them !! ) TOPIC
SIX Renunciation [
Note: In
relation to the first Lam Rim Topic which
we should have gained some confidence
and firmness of experience, it will carry
deeper blessings, maturity and impressions to
begin each sub-topic: A, B C and so on
with "Our perfect Teacher teaches that
....." ] [
This topic follows Topic Five: Karma -
which produces the karmic results below.
] A Suffering
of Suffering "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
whole of conditioned existence suffers.
main sufferings: birth, old age, sickness
and death - then you get reborn and die
again and reborn again and die again with
no end. The
Hell Realm:
the most painful, ceaseless sufferings
¨C burning / freezing / killing / ( etc
!! ) The
Hungry Ghost Realm:
unquenchable, futile search for sustenance.
Animal Realm:
extreme ignorance, eating each other,
harnessed for others¡¯ use / ( etc !!
) (
These 3 Lower Realms mainly embroiled
in this Suffering of Suffering although
it pervades too the 3 Higher Realms )
how all samsaric existence of the 6 Realms
are embroiled in Suffering of Suffering,
one completely renounces samsara, develops
deep compassion for samsaric mother beings
and exerts hard for Enlightenment. (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) B Suffering
of Change "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
whole of conditioned existence suffers.
main sufferings: birth, old age, sickness
and death - then you get reborn and die
again and reborn again and die again with
no end. The
Human Realm:
losing desired people-circumstance The
Demi-Gods Realm:
ceaseless vain and futile strife to match
splendor of the Gods through battles and
all, finally dropping out of this realm
( usually straight into the Lower Realms
) when Merits are used up. The
Gods Realm:
endless mindless frivolous celebrations
until Merits are used up wherein the last
7 days, abject terror strikes ( the suffering
now worse than in the Hell Realms ) then
free-falling, usually into the 3 Lower
These 3 Higher Realms mainly embroiled
in this Suffering of Change although it
pervades too the 3 Lower Realms ) Seeing
how all samsaric existence of the 6 Realms
are embroiled in Suffering of Change,
one completely renounces samsara, develops
deep compassion for samsaric mother beings
and exerts hard for Enlightenment. (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! ) C Suffering
of Aggregates "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." The
whole of conditioned existence suffers. Every
unenlightened being are helplessly, ceaselessly
manipulated by these 5 Aggregates: 1)
all external material phenomena and one's
own senses (contact and interaction between
both) 2)
one designates every contact and interaction
between external material phenomena and
one's own senses as desirable or undesirable
or neutral. 3)
one begins to label concepts, names, identities
to the objects of experience arising from
'Feelings'. 4)
Formational Responses:
one responds to one's 'Perceptions' through
conditioned reactions both mentally and
this is the underlying cognitive basis
which stored the infinite potential causes
due to 'Formational Responses', to ripen
into the infinitely varied results of
the 6 Realms. Seeing
how all the 6 Realms are completely overwhelmed
by ceaseless churnings cum residual-effects
of the 5 Aggregates without a single split
instance of respite, one completely renounces
samsara, develops deep compassion for
samsaric mother beings and exerts hard
for Enlightenment. (
While contemplating the above, do
108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig,
Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can
do the mantras until you feel the topic
has firmly been internalised in your mind
!! One may do 21 or 108 or more mantras
for each of the Aggregates for deeper
understanding of the processes of the
5 Aggregates ) D The
12 Links "Our
perfect Teacher teaches that ....." All
mother sentient beings ceaselessly embroil
in afflicted conditioned existence of
the 6 Realms as a result of undergoing
the below: 1)
mistakenly grasping phenomena as inherently
existing 2)
Formational Responses:
creating actions due to 'Ignorance' 3)
residual effects from 'Formational Responses'
get implanted in the underlying basis
as one's Consciousness 4)
Physical Basis:
Consciousness tied up with an acquired
Physical Basis such as one's body. 5)
6 Senses:
The bodily physical basis gives rise to
eyes, ears, nose, tongue, touch and feelings. 6)
These 6 Senses establish contact with
external phenomena. 7)
One designates experiences from 'Contact'
as either desirable, undesirable or neutral. 8)
One gets attached to the 'Feelings'. 9)
One begins to label, name and identify
the objects from which we experience 'Attachment',
mistakenly grasping to them as inherently
existing. 10)
From 'Grasping', definite 'Existence',
cause of rebirth comes into being.
Definite birth occurs from 'Existence'. 12)
Definite death and endless torrents of
rebirths ensue from 'Birth'. Seeing
how all samsaric existence of the 6 Realms
are embroiled in suffering as a result
of the 12 Links, one completely renounces
samsara, develops deep compassion for
samsaric mother beings and exerts hard
for Enlightenment.
( While contemplating the above, do 108 times mantra of your Yidam - Chenrezig, Tara, Yamantaka or others. Or you can do the mantras until you feel the topic has firmly been internalised in your mind !! One may do 21 or 108 or more mantras for each of the links for deeper understanding of the processes of the 12 Links ) [
Here ends the main points dealing with
the Sixth Topic of the Lam Rim teachings.
Firmly do it till it becomes your mind.
] Topic Six marks the SECOND SCOPE of the Lam Rim Teachings ¨C the fundamental teachings (
Renouncing Samsara ) of the Buddha
is completed ____________
Lam Rim Supplementary Notes
Namgyal Wangchen teaches on the Three
Principle Aspect of the Path - encompassing
the complete 3 Scopes of the Lam Rim:
http://video. ____________ Hi
particular verse below from Lam Rim Topic
One - "Sub-Topic C" sent via CASonline two
weeks' back is primarily referenced in
the context of the Varjayana.
we rely on the Teacher, every possible
good will come: worldly protection,
aims and sublime spiritual fruits all
ripen !!
we do not rely on the Teacher, we will
be lost and sufferings will come !!
The verses' mentioning
of the Guru as being the source of
all happiness and while not relying
on the Guru as being the source of
all sufferings is mainly, figuratively
expressing the contexts, conditonal
upon the Guru being authentic and the
instructions being in-line with the Buddha's
you for clarifying and this allows for
clarifications being offered to all our
friends too ....!!
attached below, a short extract from His
Holiness the Dalai Lama's advice on looking
for and relying on the Spiritual Friend:
Often in countries that are not traditionally
Buddhist, such as in the West, students
do not have great access to many spiritual
teachers. The Buddhist masters who visit
may come only once a year, at the most.
Thus it is difficult to find a sufficient
variety of gurus to investigate in order
to select a proper one, and there are
insufficient opportunities to examine
the qualifications of any of them. But
this does not mean that before you have
found a teacher who can serve as your
guru, or even as your root guru, you
cannot begin Dharma practice and at
least engage in some of the forward-leading
First of all, you can certainly receive
teachings from the various spiritual
instructors who visit your countries,
and do so in the manner of simply attending
a lecture. As for engaging in meditational
practices, even without a root guru
you can proceed, on the basis of receiving
instructions in a lecture or reading
a book, to practice, for example, the
placement of the four types of close
mindfulness - on the bodily sensations,
the feelings of a level of happiness
or unhappiness, the mind and all phenomena.
You can also begin, without a root guru
to practice the meditational methods
for developing a dedicated heart of
bodhicitta and a correct understanding
of the nature of reality, or voidness,
on the basis of reading such texts as
Shantideva's Engaging in Bodhisattva'
The Gelug/Kagyu Tradition of MAHAMUDRA
Dalai Lama
What is a Guru ?? a) Some teachers considered a Guru to be someone whom you have relied on and lived with for years, learning the basics of the Dharma all the way into the tantras. This is applicable and true especially in a monastic context. b) Some teachers teach that from a technical point of view, someone whom we have received initiation, especially a Highest Yoga Tantra class is a Guru. c) Some teachers teach that if we find ourselves being benefited greatly from this person's teachings, short instructions or even just being in his or her presence, probably due to past lives' connections, is a Guru.
The proper way to practise the Dharma: a) Listening: We listen to the Dharma b) Contemplating: We re-think and contemplate on what we have heard c) Applying: We apply it in our daily lives
The Dharma in gist: The Three Higher Trainings a)
Keep and live-by the precepts-commitment b) Cultivate
concentration- c) Cultivate Wisdom