The Malaysian Buddhist Coordination Committee
Do Not Support "The Relics Expo of the Buddha& His Chief Disciples"
The Malaysian Buddhist Coordination Committee has called for a meeting on 15 October, 2006 to discuss on The Relics Expo of the Buddha and His Chief Disciples organised by the Kuala Lumpur Gelugpa Buddhist Association (Malaysia).*
[ ** Notes by bb @ CAS of T_A Chenrezig: This organization did not obtain the blessings, recognition or permission of HH the Dalai Lama and / or HH the 100th Ganden Trisur Rinpoche -- Official Head Emeritus of the Gelugpa Tradition as a Buddhist center of the Gelugpa tradition. HH the Dalai Lama and HH the 100th Ganden Trisur Rinpoche, advise against and forbid certain prime practices of this organization, specifically, the worship of a worldly spirit: dolgyal-shugden. This organization is, therefore, not an authentic Gelugpa center in spite of its self-branding as one. ]
The Buddha relics are the remains of Buddha and it is highly respected among the Buddhists. As The Buddha relic are so precious that any discovery of Buddha relics would get worldly attention and it must be verified by the archaeologist repeatedly. When the huge amount of the relics appears in the eyes of public out of a sudden, we are reserved on its genuineness. Besides, we have more doubts with the various names given to the different type of relics.
Buddhism is a Dharma centric religion. The Buddha once said Those who see the Dharma, see me. The Buddha does not even consider those who seen His real figure considered seen him, not to mention His relics. Thus, the Malaysian Buddhist Coordination Committee appeals to the Buddhist disciples and the public not to support such event nor to attend the relics expo. Besides, the public is being reminded that the MBCC is in disagreement with any party who circulate the Buddha relics commercially either through sales or donation.
The Malaysian Buddhist Coordination Committee consists of Malaysian Buddhist Association (MBA), Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM), Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia, Sasana Abhiwurdhi Wardhana Society (Sasana), Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Fo Guang Malaysian, Buddhist Tzu-Chi Merit Society and Vajrayana Buddhist Council Malaysia (VBCM).
[ Additional notes from bb @ CAS of T_A Chenrezig:; The Singapore branch of this organization will be holding a similar exhibition at the Singapore Expo in December 2006. CAS of T_A Chenrezig does not support this event. ]
THE authentic Dharma programmes ( !! )
For details of the Dharma programme of His Eminence Ganden Tritul Rinpoche, please contact the Vajrayana Buddhist Society at vajrayanabs@
To participate in one hundred thousand lamp offering at one of the holiest monasteries of the Kagyu lineage whilst offering providing invaluable support to protection and upkeep of the holy Sangha -- all at affordable cost -- please contact Shu Lian at push_to_shove@
To learn more about Chod with authentic Sangha members, please contact HH at samanera2@yahoo.
For details on an exhibition of the Heart Relics of the Maitreya Buddha Statue, please contact Tara at: tara@melwani.
From James Liaw:
Wise advice
We all need to read this one over and over until it becomes part of who we are! HOW TO STAY YOUNG 1. Try everything twice. On Madams tombstone (of Whelan's and Madam) she said she wanted this epitaph: Tried everything twice...loved it both times! 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches;)
3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's! 4. Enjoy the simple things. 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with HIM/HER. 6. The tears happen: Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. LIVE while you are alive.
7. Surround yourself with what you love: Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.
10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity. 11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time. And if you don't send this to at least 4 people - who cares? But do share this with someone. Lost time can never be found.
From Samuel:
Living Will Declaration
To my family and all those concerned with my care: I,__________ Upon my death and transition into the next life, I do not wish to be reborn as a ghost path or an animal. I do not wish to suffer. Instead, I wish to follow Amitabha Buddha and to arrive at his Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. To all my family and friends, I wish to ask for your assistance so that I may not suffer, but instead remain calm and peaceful to prepare for my arrival to the Western Pure Land. In the event that I should suffer from a terminal illness to the extent that doctors foresee no possible recovery, I ask that no medical treatment be undertaken. Should I already be in the hospital at this point, I wish to be checked out and brought back home. Please notify my assigned family member or friend ____________ at telephone number(s)___ Once home, please position me in the most comfortable and natural position in which I may rest. The assigned family member or friend will lead others in chanting "Amituofo." Should I decline to the point where I lose consciousness and I am no longer aware of my surroundings, the assigned family member or friend shall have full authority in making any decisions regarding my well-being. If this person cannot be contacted, please find a Buddhist master or Buddhist believer to aid in the chanting of "Amituofo" until the assigned person can be reached. Within twenty-four hours prior to and after my death, I would like to ask my friends and family to comply with the following: 1. Do not touch or move my body or even my bed. 2. Do not change my clothing. 3. Do not place dry ice or other substances on my body. Sandalwood incense may be burned if there is any odor. 4. Do not let a breeze blow directly onto my body. 5. Do not allow the scent of alcohol, onions, scallions, garlic, or chives to enter the room. 6. Do not smoke, cry, or talk in the room. My purpose for asking this is to create an atmosphere in which I may remain calm and at peace. The only sound I wish to hear is "Amituofo," so that he may escort me to the Pure Land. If I am at home upon my death, my family should take turns chanting "Amituofo" for eight to twenty-four hours. At this point, I am ready to be moved, washed and dressed. This period of chanting is the best time to assist me to be calm and peaceful. All funeral arrangements can be set up afterwards. If I should pass away in the hospital, please follow hospital policy and chant as much as is allowed. During my terminal illness and within forty-nine days after my death, all family members should adopt a vegetarian diet. I do not wish for any killing to be associated with my death. All funeral offerings must be vegetarian. The use of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Funeral arrangements should be kept simple, and proper Buddhist etiquette should be followed. I do not wish for any unnecessary excess. Within forty-nine days following my death, I sincerely ask my family members and friends to seek my rebirth into the Pure Land, and to perform good deeds such as giving offerings to the Three Jewels of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, printing sutras, helping the needy, and so on. These good deeds will help me to attain additional good karma, and further assist me in arriving at the Pure Land. Most important is for my family to sincerely chant "Amituofo." In order for me to benefit the most and to peacefully arrive at the Pure Land, the above points must be followed. This will not only benefit me but all those involved as well. In this manner, I wish for everyone to learn and to believe in Buddhism. Thus, everyone can arrive at the Pure Land, as well. Amituofo to all! These directions express my legal right to request or refuse treatment. Therefore, I expect my family, doctor, and all those concerned with my care to regard themselves as legally and morally bound to act in accord with my wishes. Signed______ Witness: I declare that the person who signed this document, or asked another to sign this document on his or her behalf, did so in my presence and that he or she appears to be of sound mind and free of duress or undue influence. Witness_____ Our words should be carefully chosen, for people will hear them and be influence by them, for good or for ill. Guidelines for Spiritual Advisors Supportive Buddha-name Chanting After the Patient Dies Living Will - An example ------------ www.amtbweb. ____________
First endowed Professorship in Buddhist Studies in the UK is established at Oxford
The Buddhist Channel, October 11, 2006
Oxford, UK -- An endowed chair in Buddhist Studies is to be established at the University of Oxford. It will be the first such chair in the UK. << First Buddhist chair in the UK has been established in Oxford University The chair has been endowed by means of a generous benefaction, held in trust by Balliol College, from the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK) of Tokyo, which is a society for the promotion of Buddhism. The Chair is named after the BDK?¡¥s founder, Mr Yehan Numata. The Numata Chair will be a member of the Oriental Studies Faculty in the Humanities Division of Oxford University, and the Professor, once appointed, will be a fellow of Balliol College. The postholder will also be affiliated with the recently-founded Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies (OCBS), which is a Recognised Independent Centre of the University of Oxford. A Recognised Independent Centre is an institution that is not part of the University, but works with the University in research and teaching. As well as being a Professor of Oxford University, the postholder will play a key academic role within the OCBS. Professor Martin Goodman, Chairman of the Board of Oriental Studies at Oxford, said: ??This is a major step in the establishment of Buddhist Studies at Oxford. The creation of the post is especially welcome in the Oriental Studies Faculty. This post will enable teaching and research at the highest academic level of the complex texts and languages in which the Buddhist teaching has been communicated; this is where the faculty excels, providing the ideal academic environment for this Chair. ??Our faculty has a long and distinguished history of teaching Buddhist topics, and has produced prominent figures in the scholarly field, but this is the first time a post in Buddhist Studies has been established in perpetuity. There is a definite need for the expansion of the teaching of Buddhism in some of the most dynamic sections of our faculty, especially within the sub-faculties of East Asia and South and Inner Asia. At the same time, Buddhism is a pan-Asian phenomenon, and the increased study of Buddhism within Oriental Studies will link together our different subfaculties in innovative ways.?¡¥ Professor Richard Gombrich, Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit at Oxford University and Academic Director of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, said: ??This benefaction is a milestone in the history of Buddhist Studies. It will enable this University to continue and enhance the internationally recognised tradition of teaching and research built up over the past quarter century; to engage ever more fully with Asia?¡¥s great cultural traditions; and to embark on important research projects, many of which will, we hope, involve international collaboration.?¡¥ Mr Geoffrey Bamford, OCBS Executive Director, said: ??The new Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies will be at the heart of a significant academic enterprise. OCBS is working towards a team of six permanent posts, including endowed Lecturerships in East Asian Buddhist Studies, Pali Buddhist Studies, Tibetan & Himalayan Buddhist Studies, Buddhist Social History and Buddhist Art. This generous donation from the BDK for an Oxford University Professor who will play a key role OCBS?¡¥s team gives us a wonderful start.?¡¥ The vacancy will be advertised soon with a view to making an appointment from 1 October 2007 or as soon as possible thereafter. The advertisement will be posted on the University website at For more information, please contact the Press Office, University of Oxford, on 01865 280532 or ____________
100,000 to Become Buddhists in Hydrabad on 14th Octoberby Vishvapani, http://www.ambedkar
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