Subject: [CASonline] Most Ven Kalsang Rinpoche at Phuntsok Choling (CAS)
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015


Dearest Dharma Friends !
When we met Kyabje Penor Rinpoche more than 15 years ago, His Holiness advised us to rely on the local Palyul centre's then resident Teacher, Ven Kalsang Rinpoche, saying that there is "no difference" between Himself and Kalsang Rinpoche.
Most Ven Kalsang Rinpoche is one of the seniormost Lamas in Namdroling Monastery, Penor Rinpoche's very own monastery and the main Palyul Nyingma monastery in-exile. Kalsang Rinpoche escaped from Tibet with Penor Rinpoche and with his own hands, rebuilt from scratch Namdroling Monastery together with Penor Rinpoche. Kalsang Rinpoche is also one of the closest disciples of the late Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche and received some of the most esoteric instructions directly from Rinpoche. Kalsang Rinpoche has served as the Rector of the monastery and almost every monk or tulku of the monastery has, directly or indirectly, from young, received teachings or advice from Rinpoche. Kalsang Rinpoche is 85 years old and is currentl y resident in His Dharma centres in Taiwan. He continues to guide fortunate disciples there, while, at his invitation, also hosting Ven Tubsang Rinpoche, His Holiness Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, the current Nyingma Head, amongst other senior lineage holders in His centres.   
CAS has been hosting Teachers from all the Tibetan Buddhist lineages since 1995 and serving the Palyul Nyingma lineage is not altogether unfamiliar, having supported the Pema Kod Palyul Retreat Centre under Khenpo Tsering Dorje as well as hosting Ven Samten Rinpoche, amongst many other outstanding, precious Gurus !
We are glad to share with all the blessed news that Most Venerable Kalsang Rinpoche has compassionately agreed to offer very precious Dharma programme at our Malacca centre in September.  
"Amituofo !"
bb & others @ Phuntsok Cho Ling (CAS)
9 September, Wednesday
Arrival at Malacca
10 September, Thursday
Morning - Malacca Tour
Evening - Teaching on Black Zambala Practice
11 September, Friday 
Morning - Increase Fire Puja 
Evening - Empowerment of Amitayus   
12 September, Saturday
Morning - Release Life
Afternoon - Empowerment of Wrathful Lama, the "Fiery Blazing Hayagriva-Garuda", of the Longchen Nyingthig Cycle.  
Evening - Teaching and Oral Transmission of the Accomplishment Practice of the Wrathful Lama.
13 September, Sunday
Morning - Leaving for Singapore
Simultaneous translations into English and Chinese should be available via FM radio. 
Internet "live" webcast could be available for the teachings, at, pending Rinpoche's advice.
As advised, empowerments may not be received via the Internet this time due to the esoteric nature of the tantric teachings.
Namdroling Monastery - the main Nyingma Palyul monastery in-exile
In India, Kalsang and Samten Rinpoches assisted HH Penor Rinpoche in the establishment of the exiled mother monastery of the Nyingma Palyul lineage. At Penor Rinpoche's request, HH the Dalai Lama blessed and named the newly-established monastery, "Namdroling". Since then, the monastery has grown to become one of the largest and most successful Nyingma establishments-communities in the world with over 5,000 ordained sangha in Mysore, India.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama flanked to His sides the respective heads of the Tibetan spiritual lineages: the 102nd Ganden Tripa ( Head of the Gelugpa School ) / the Gyalwa Karmapa ( Head of the Kamtshang Kagyu School ) / the Sakya Trizin ( Head of the Sakya School ) / the Menri Trizin ( Head of the Bon Tradition ) / Kyabje Penor Rinpoche ( Head of the Nyingma School ). 
About Most Venerable Kalsang Rinpoche 
Most Venerable Kalsang Yeshe Rinpoche is one of the seniormost disciples of the late Head of the Nyingma School, Kyabje Penor Rinpoche, having also accompanied Him on a daring and treacherous escape from Tibet to India during the Communist Chinese invasion in 1959.
In India, Kalsang Rinpoche assisted HH Penor Rinpoche in the establishment of the exiled mother monastery of the Nyingma Palyul lineage. At Penor Rinpoche's request, HH the Dalai Lama blessed and named the newly-established monastery, "Namdroling". Since then, the monastery has grown to become one of the largest and most successful Nyingma establishments-communities in the world with over 5,000 ordained sangha in Mysore, India. Kalsang Rinpoche has served, for 16 years, as Rector of the entire Sangha congregation of Namdroling.
Kalsang Rinpoche is also the sole 5 recipients of two of the most esoteric transmissions that the late Penor Rinpoche transmitted to in secret. Rinpoche is also a close disciple of some of the "legendary" Dzogchen adepts of the century such as the late Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche.
Rinpoche has taken on being the resident Teacher of Penor Rinpoche's centres in the Philippines, Singapore and now, teaching in some of the very robust and successful centres in Taiwan.
Services required include Fire Puja materials acquisition, admin-registration, texts-pictures distribution, food distribution, IT work and others. Volunteers receive the merit of helping in the organising of the programme, so that they could dedicate it for the attainment of Buddhahood fastest possible for the good and well-being of the world.
Opportunities are also available to students desiring to offer Rinpoche's and attendants' air tickets, transport costs, daily meals, fire pujas costs, release life costs and others. Sponsors receive the merit of helping in the financing of the programme, so that they could dedicate it for the attainment of Buddhahood fastest possible for the good and well-being of the world. Contact bb at to offer.
Delicious vegetarian, halal, multi-cultural and otherwise fodder are more than abundantly available, all within walking distance of the centre, estimated at S$10/- ( likely less ) per person per day. 
Accomodation and others 
Accomodation is arranged at a reasonably clean and comfortable budget hotel 5 min walk from the centre.
S$40/- per person per room per day / costs will be halved for shared room.
Laundry and pharmacy services are all within walking range of the centre.
Students are allowed to attend only certain days of the programme.
Practice Support
The full practice texts will be made available to the serious students requesting for it. 
How to get there
(Car) Malacca is 2 and a half to 3 hrs' drive from Singapore, in relatively free flowing traffic condition.
(Coach) Malacca is about 3 to 4 hrs' by coach from Singapore. The coach stops at Melaka Sentral, the main bus station. Our centre is 15 min by taxi from the main bus station. 
If you need us to book coach tickets for you, email us at by 25 August, midnight. The tickets should leave for Malacca from Singapore on 9 September, 8 am, morning.
Transport via coach - S$30/- per person per trip; S$60/- per person to and from Singapore.
About the Wrathful Lama - "Fiery Blaze Hayagriva-Garuda"
This is the only cycle on the Wrathful Lama from the Longchen Nyingthig. The Longchen Nyingthig is one, if not, arguably the most extant terma cycle of teachings of the Nyingma lineage.
This Wrathful Lama cycle is frequently utilised as the supplanted practice of the Eight Great Herukas practice. It belongs to the Atiyoga section of the Dzogchen teachings, the pinnacle and highest of the Dharma vehicles of the Nyingma school. The Wrathful Lama "Fiery Blaze Hayagriva-Garuda" is also the main Yidam of the oceans of Mahakalas and all the protector practices.
Kalsang Rinpoche has stated that this Wrathful Lama cycle encompasses all the Outer, Inner, Secret and Most Secret Guru practices. (Rinpoche has, in fact, instructed that the empowerment of the Secret Guru section of the Longchen Nyingthig this time will be unnecessary as this Wrathful Lama cycle has fully included it.) Kalsang Rinpoche has also stated before that, "Bestowing the "Fiery Blaze Hayagriva-Garuda" empowerment evokes profound consequences for both the Guru and the disciples". 
Venue at Malacca
Dharma centre
Library corner 
Dharma hall
The holy shrine
Phuntsok Cho Ling Buddhist Centre (CAS)
11-A, Jalan MP 16,
Taman Merdeka Permai,
Batu Berendam, 75350
Melaka, Malaysia
Contact us at
Bookings to be emailed to  
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                                                        Casotac.Singapore                                                   Twitter: Casotac                                                             User: Casotac



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