-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/10/05 21:59:07
Subject: [CASonline] From the Bible, Vietnam, Little Lhasa and others .....
From Davin:
A Buddhist Elder's understanding and interpretation of a passage from the Holy Bible...........
Now at this point I should like to say something about a Christian teaching which Christians
themselves take no interest in. It is a piece in the New Testament, from one book of Corinthians,
in which St. Paul sums up the entire teaching of Jesus. It is a short piece of instruction to the
Corinthian people: "If you have a wife, think as if you have no wife. If you have wealth, think as if
you have no wealth. If you are suffering, think as if you were not suffering. If you are happy, think as if you were not happy. If you go to buy goods at the market, bring nothing home."

Here we have the essence of the Buddhist teaching in the Bible: "If you have a wife, think as if you have no wife." Paul is speaking to the men; he does not mention that a women who has a husband should think as if she had no husband, but this is understood; the statement is good for both wife and husband. The meaning is: "Don't grasp and cling; do not identify as 'mine.'" If you have wealth, do not go clinging it, thinking of it as my wealth; in effect, think as if you had no wealth. If suffering arises, then acknowledge it and it will go away. Do not think of it as my suffering. If you have happiness, then do not think of it as my happiness. If you go and buy something at the market, bring nothing home. This means: while we are carrying our purchases home from the market, our mind is not identifying them as 'mine.' In this sense we are bringing nothing home. This is a Christian teaching, the essence of Christianity. I once asked a Christian, high-ranking teacher, how he understood this passage. At first he was speechless, then he said "I've never taken any interest in it." He had never taken any interest whatever in this piece from the Bible because he thought it unimportant. He had taken great interest in the subject of faith and so on, but had taken no interest in this, the most important subject of all. Every religion worthy of the name aims essentially at teaching freedom from self-centredness. Every religion includes the most important teaching of freedom from self and from concern with self-in which, however, its adherents take no interest. They are like us Buddhists, who take no interest in the doctrine of sunnata* and anatta*, the characteristic doctrine of Buddhism.
Bhikkhu Buddhadasa, The Danger of I
Sunnata* - voidness or emptiness
Anatta* - selflessness, or soullesness
From Hui Teng in Vietnam:
hi bb,
i'm now in vietnam and am on ven. thich nhat hanh's trip back in vietnam. maybe you have known about this trip -- he has been allowed to return to vietnam after a long 40 years in exile. i felt particularly blessed to be on this trip and to be able to meet the right conditions to be so close to him. this is a website which i would like to share:
it has photos about him, his sangha and lay practitioners who have heightened the spirituality of this country. hope you enjoy.
gratefully yours,
hui teng
From Shian:

SEMCHEN: Vegetarian movement in Little Lhasa

By Tashi Tsering, The Times of Tibet, March 3, 2005

Dharamsala, India
-- As the profound teaching of His Holiness the Dalai Lama commenced on the full moon day in positive vibration so, followed the mission of the "Tibetan Volunteers for animals" headed by Rapsel Tsariwa with his diligent co-workers in swift flow in gravitating the crowd in exploring the animal realm ill-treatment and the vulnerability of pain!-where onlookers comprehend in total shock.

This non- governmental organization strives to foster the practicality of Buddhist core message into action of holding all mother sentient beings to treat in equal respect and freedom.

The "Rooster Year" a year of austerity signifies to them as an opportunity to dedicate for His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The impact of the mission is remarkable in gently convincing 11 thousand compassionate Tibetans to convert fully to Vegetarian and many are on good scale of reducing the consumption of meat.

The activity covers photo exhibition to distribution of booklets and documentary CDs which are sold in the minimum rates.

Semchen, their first official magazine on vegetarianism was published and distributed in large quantity in both English and Tibetan languages, and surprisingly, all the young people were impressed with excitement to get this unexpected magazine in their hands. Enchanting motto of "live and Let Live" endures the immeasurable pains of animals and creating awareness about the freedom to live in harmony and serenity being inborn in animals as well.

The organization sustains with financial and moral assistance from the His Holiness office and with its consent a show was projected at Thecken Choeling cathedral of the severity of pain and sufferings inflicted on the harmless animals. People were shattered to comprehend the merciless activities and on the spot 45 Tibetans made commitment for live not to take meat. The atmosphere of positive vibration in living with animals in harmony and compassion is growing in a great tendency. There is full of appreciation on the mission from every breath by the animal lovers and particularly western Sanghas and Indian tourists. The organizer believes that ???Animals have equal right to live in complete freedom and happiness which accords to Dharma". The project meets to the aspiration of all.

TVA's main aims and objectives are:

  1. To foster the understanding that all sentient beings on Earth have an equal right to life from the smallest of ants to the largest of animals like the elephant or whale.
  2. To educate Tibetan youth about Vegetarianism.
  3. To encourage Tibetans to become Vegetarian.
  4. To contribute to the protection of the environment and assist in the promotion of world peace.

Contact for information and feedbacks
Rapsel Tsariwa (President)
Tibetan Volunteers for Animals
14/2, S.R. Garden, Viveknagar Post, Bangalore-47


From Michael:
Dear Friends of Singapore Children's Society
     To many, a mobile phone strap is lauded for its many utility
     ease of locating your ringing phone in that ever cluttered bag, and of
     course, perks up your phone! On 18 March 2005, an extraordinary,
     cause-worthy meaning will be added to the existence of mobile phone
     to bring hope, add colours to little lives, and help many
     children make a connection for an better future through our Street
     2005 fundraising project.
     An inaugural fundraising project by Singapore Children's Society,
     Sale 2005 aims to raise S$150,000 for our children through the
     public sale of mobile phone straps bearing the Children's Society's
     Logo. A
     total of 80,000 attractive phone straps available in four vibrant
     will be sold at a minimum S$4 each on the streets on 18 March 2005.
     We invite you to share your love, hope and dreams with the 12,000
     children, youths and families under our care by adopting our hand
     straps in blue, pink, black and white!
     You can place your orders by filling up the attached  order form and
     fax it
     back to us. A minimum order of 4 pieces in one set at S$20 (including
     postage) is required for postal order. Local delivery is only
     for 50 pieces and above. Please see the attached form for more
     on how to order the "love connection"; i.e mobile phone straps.
     Please help us to help our children by circulating this email to your
     friends, colleagues or relatives. Thank you!
     Fund Raising Department
     Singapore Children's Society
"Please tell Rinpoche i will do that right away .....!!" 
BB Tan
Hi Boon Beng,
Lhatse Tulku Rinpoche asked you to help to circulate this programme in your mailing list.
Thank you.
Dharma Talk
Topic: Turning the Mind into an Ally
Date :  15th March 2005 (Tuesday)
Time:  7:30PM -- 10:00PM
Speaker: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche
Venue: Tibetan Buddhist Studies Society
Address: 38B Lorong 23 Geylang Road
Nearest MRT: Aljunied MRT and turn into Lorong 23 via Sims Avenue is nearer to the centre than turn into Lorong 23 from Geylang Road
Language: English (with Chinese Translation)
Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche is the resident lama of Shambhala Centre in Canada.  He has been recognised by H.H. Penor Rinpoche (former head of the Nyingmapa Order and Head of Nyingma Palyul Lineage) as the reincarnation of the 19th century Nyingmapa Scholar Mipham Rinpoche.  Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche will deliver this talk in English and translated into Chinese by his Taiwanese disciple.